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Making PURLs Your Next Marketing Campaign

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Using Personalized URLs (pURLs) is an excellent way to inexpensively study target markets, increase customer awareness, and boost response rates. We’ve all been directed to a pURL before with some hot offer just for us. Oh, if I sign up for your weekly newsletter I get complimentary coupons for free birthday ice cream? Yes, please. Oh, sweet-- if I share this page for Bath N’ Things with 10 of my friends I’ll get a free loofah. I have “friends”. These little personalized links with YOUR NAME on it is a useful strategy to achieve multiple marketing goals in one campaign.

Here’s how a standard personalized email and survey pURL work:

-Personalized direct mail pieces or viral links are sent to recipients

-Recipients log on to pURLS and complete registration and survey

-Once registration is complete, a custom response is forwarded with more information for the recipient

-Recipient activity is tracked and information is used to monitor the progress of the campaign

So, pURLs are incredibly helpful for marketing statistics and narrowing the campaign to a more targetable audience.

A company will want to incorporate both direct mailings and email blasts to reach more people all around. Successful pURL campaigns will contact recipients with a series of direct mailings and personalized email surveys to communicate to clients that customer relationships are valued highly--- this can be conveyed with exclusive offers, coupons, extra information about the product. Establish value to the clients by making their time spent worthwhile.

There are lots of innovative ways to tailor a pURL campaign to quickly and effectively contact a lead. Offering a demo or a sample in a playful way is awesome at building rapport and engaging clients without coming off as fishy. More often than not, the more interactive it is, the more attached the client will feel to it. Making it personal is proven to yield better results.

is a good jumping off point to learn more about pURLs and how you can make it work for your next big marketing campaign.

Post written by Angela Creed.  © Manhattan Digital Direct

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