Brand awareness is established through recognition and familiarity. Hybrid marketing campaigns generate waves of offers and promotional copy to collective prospects and clients to keep their brand fresh in mind. How many times a month would mass direct mailings be most effective? It all depends on the promotional content. There is no magic number for inducing a response, but there are some useful strategies for maintaining response rates through direct mail frequency.
It takes constant outreach to develop brand awareness. You can build your prominence through frequent impressions on your prospects, but a compelling message will increase the chances of someone making a purchase decision. Regular exposure with a new offer, discount, and presentation for each wave could convince someone who is on the fence about your service into making a purchase decision. Aim to get responses every time there’s a brand outreach.
Having a control package design is a good way to maintain your direct marketing frequency objectives. Updating the design of your offers and incentives keeps things fresh and prevents a prospect from gleaning over a new offer. Create a few different themes to boost more responses per wave. This way, your recipients won't feel like they're getting the exact same package over and over again.
Reinforce your marketing campaigns with highly targeted, visual, and persistent direct mailings. Finding the tempo and purpose to your mailings will reduce response degradation and maintain responses per wave. With that said, experiment with your direct mail pieces and analyze the results to determine how frequently you should send out your direct mailings.
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Post Written by Angela Creed
Infographic by Nadia Merhai
© Manhattan Digital Direct